Terni Rifle Serial Numbers
6.5 x 52mm Carcano Rifling & Twist.. 4 groove, right hand twist. Barrel Length..

(692mm) Overall Length.. (1168 mm) Weight... (3.9kg) Magazine Capacity.
Browning Rifle Serial Numbers
Armageurra Cremona - 240,000..... Fabbrica Armi di Terni - 580,000 Source... The Carcano: Italy's Military Rifle by Hobbs, Richard J. C1996, 2nd ed. 1997, surplusrifle.com 1941 Model 1891/41 Carcano Infantry Rifle (53 picture virtual tour) Observations: (by 'Claven2') Note: Pics of rifle provided courtesy of Milsurps.com moderator Claven2.

Italian Terni Rifle

Following France's adoption of the Model 1886 Lebel and its accompanying revolutionary small-bore, high velocity 8mm Lebel cartridge, the whole of Europe (and indeed the world) jumped into an arms race to replace their huge inventories of older, often single-loaded, large caliber, low velocity arms. Italy was no exception. In the late 1880's, the Italian were mostly equipping their armed forces with the venerable M1870 and M1870/87 Vetterli(-Vitali)s and they were no match for the newer high-velocity repeating rifles.