Contoh Soal Statistik Dan Jawaban
Limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga modul praktikum Statistika 2. Contoh Soal ANOVA. Sampel/contoh, sangat jarang menyangkut populasi. Demikian artikel dari tentang Kumpulan Soal Beserta Jawaban Ekonomi Kelas XI Semester 2, somoga manmbah wawasan anda semuanya. Baca juga artikel dibawah ini; Contoh Soal Ekonomi kelas X Semester Ganjil Beserta Jawabannya (LENGKAP) Pengertian Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Beserta Contohnya.
Contoh Soal Dan Jawaban Logaritma
Kumpulan soal statistik dalam Bahasa Inggris • 1. TOPIC I Distribusi Frekuensi1. 15, 10, 23, 18, 17, 25, 25, 19, 8, 6 From data above arrange the numbers into an array, find the highest value, lowest value and the range one2. Download surat yasin lengkap 83 ayat.
Contoh Soal Statistik Dan Jawabannya
71, 80, 36, 82, 75, 92, 49, 83, 71, 74, 94, 49, 74, 75, 68, 83, 75, 75, 98, 73, 79, 82, 45, 95, 86, 71, 96, 87, 81, 38, 72, 88, 69, 54, 66, 93, 81, 93, 72, 94, 39, 81, 94, 78, 84, 57, 85, 77, 64, 86 From the following data determine the number of classs, length of class, and make the frequency distribution table Question for no. 3, 4, 53 55, 60, 73, 68, 57, 55, 65, 89, 98, 96, 78, 65, 61, 74, 51, 55, 57, 56, 84, 56, 63, 65, 77, 83, 82, 79, 90, 94, 101, 97, 95, 90, 91, 67, 91, 55, 74, 100, 105, 68, 70, 110, 80, 70, 67, 64, 82, 107, 80, 99. Find the highest value, lowest value, range4. Determine the number of classes, the length of class and make the frequency distribution table5. Make more than table and less than table • Math test score of 100 students:80 78 67 76 82 78 86 65 66 77 83 81 70 80 70 70 72 70 69 74 83 76 80 69 71 80 68 78 70 69 69 73 80 73 61 66 96 79 65 86 67 75 88 75 82 67 73 77 72 88 72 64 72 85 66 77 86 63 71 76 65 76 80 69 68 91 75 76 74 80 76 77 85 88 62 76 75 71 85 88 71 76 72 90 69 88 66 81 77 74 81 65 69 71 89 74 75 75 85 676. From the data above find the highest number, lowest number, range7. Determine value of the five students with the highest ranking8.