Juniper Encrypted Password Crack 1
Encrypted Password Storage
Juniper $9$ Password: These passwords are encoded using Juniper's private encryption algorithm. Password hash starts with $9$ text & can be decrypted instantly. Password hash starts with $9$ text & can be decrypted instantly. How To Crack Juniper Password Hashes: To crack a Juniper device hash you will need the hash itself, the username associated to the hash, and access to John The Ripper. First add the hash or hashes to a text file on the server where JTR is located in the below format.
How To Decrypt Encrypted Password
Hi Ricky, Junos actually does this by default - all passwords are stored in either encrypted or hashed format depending on their usage. You have to remember that some of these protocols use symmetric encryption and the router actually NEEDS to be able to decrypt the key in the config in order to operate the protocol. User authentication uses completely asymmetric encryption - eg: we don't care what the password is as long as the hash matches, so these can be one-way $1$ encrypted - the local box has a salt which it feeds into it's encryption algorithm of choice to generate and compare the hash of the user's password, thus never having to actually store it.
Protocols like OSPF however need to transmit information across the network, which means both ends need a common way of decrypting the information, and one that isn't particularly processor intensive - thus the need for reversible/symmetric encryption (and storing keys in a reversible format). I hope this makes sense!